NPC Spellcasting Services

Characters can receive spellcasting services from an NPC located anywhere that is at least town-sized (1000 or more residents) or has a specific NPC able to cast the spell(s) needed. In addition, the characters must be able to travel there in order to receive services during an adventure. Otherwise, characters follow the rules for post-adventure recovery as listed in the D&D Adventurers League Player’s Guide. Spellcasting services provided by NPCs are limited to the spells on this list.

Spellcasting ServiceCost
Cure Wounds10 gp
Identify20 gp
Lesser Restoration40 gp
Prayer of Healing40 gp
Dispel Magic90 gp
Remove Curse90 gp
Speak with Dead90 gp
Divination210 gp
Greater Restoration450 gp
Raise Dead1,000 gp
Resurrection3,000 gp
True Resurrection30,000 gp